Varnish in Shared Hosting
If you host your Internet sites under a shared hosting account with us, you’ll be able to add Varnish with a few mouse clicks through your Control Panel. The data caching platform comes as an optional upgrade with all our web hosting packages and you can choose the number of the websites that will use it and the total amount of system memory that will be used for the cached content. The two upgradeable features in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel are the amount of system memory and the number of instances and they aren’t tied directly to each other, so you can decide if you need a lot of memory for a single large-size site or less memory for multiple smaller ones. You can use the full potential of Varnish in case the sites use a dedicated IP. Using the Control Panel, you can swiftly start/reboot/deactivate an instance, clear the cached content independently for each website that employs the Varnish platform or check an exhaustive log file.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Linux semi-dedicated hosting that we are offering will permit you to use Varnish once your brand-new account has been created, since the data caching platform is offered by default. 64 MB of system memory will be allocated to Varnish the moment your account is enabled, so you can use this workload distribution software once you launch your site. If you need more system memory, you can get 32 MB at a time from the Hepsia Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be allocated to your semi-dedicated server in a flash. You can also increase the number of the websites that employ Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not directly linked to the amount of memory that you use, which suggests that you will have more freedom. The Varnish caching platform will significantly lower the load on the semi-dedicated server produced by your websites, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-loading pages. You will be able to manage the Varnish platform with ease through the Hepsia Control Panel using quick-access buttons. You will be able to start/shut down any of the instances that you’ve got, to delete the cached files associated with any of your websites or to check system logs.
Varnish in Dedicated Hosting
If you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll acquire Varnish at no additional fee and you will have total control over it through a really easy-to-navigate graphical interface – you will be able to start, to delete or to restart an instance, to view a detailed log, to delete the cached data for any website and much, much more. The Varnish platform will have several gigabytes of virtual memory at its disposal, so even if you manage resource-demanding Internet sites with many visitors, you will notice the substantially better page loading speeds and the decreased load on the dedicated server. This will happen soon after you begin using Varnish, as it will need a certain amount of time to cache the content that users request. You can make the most of the platform’s potential if the sites that are using it also use a dedicated IP address, but since your dedicated server comes with a few IPs by default, you will not need to pay anything on top of your monthly charge for the server itself.