The disk space function displays the total volume of info that you can have on your shared hosting server at one time. With a desktop computer, for instance, this would be the capacity of one hard drive or the total capacity of all of the hard disk drives in the event that your computer has more than one. Exactly as your space on a PC is shared between installed computer programs, docs, music etcetera, the server hard disk space is ordinarily divided between website files, databases and email messages. Every single file, folder and e-mail takes a little storage space on the server, therefore you should take into account a variety of factors, not only the size of the files you upload. For example, getting sizable e-mail attachments or using a script-driven website in which the user-generated info is kept in a database will also affect the hdd space you use.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

To suit the processing performance behind all our cloud web hosting plans, we have studied and integrated the perfect alternative for the disk space - your hosting account is not generated using one server, but on a cluster platform. Consequently, what we have assembled is a whole group of servers that is focused on the file storing only, therefore you should never be worried about running out of HDD space and having to move to some additional server as your existing one can't accommodate more data. Whenever more space is needed, we attach extra machines to the cluster, so the hard drive space is virtually unlimited. Needless to say, all our Linux shared hosting are intended to be used for sites, not for a database of big files. We also have different machines for your databases and the email messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a characteristic simply to lay emphasis on that it's truly unrestricted. We were able to achieve that by using a cutting-edge, custom-built cloud hosting platform, where your files, emails and databases are stored on independent clusters of servers. We will add more hard disks or whole servers to any of the clusters and at any time, and our website hosting Control Panel was made to function with this kind of platform. By contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the website hosting market can work only on one server, and in spite of what many providers advertise, they really set up various accounts on a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server package through our company, you will never have to worry about disk space limits and you are able to focus on expanding your sites.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

Because of the hard disk storage space that we provide with our Linux dedicated hosting, we warrant that you'll be able to operate any type of website regardless of its volume. You will get a minimum of 500 GB storage, that you're able to use the way you see fit - even for personal file storage. As standard, you'll be given two separate HDDs, which can be employed separately, to make use of their entire storage space, or they can be connected in RAID so that one will be a copy the second one in real time to ensure that you will not lose important info in case of a hardware breakdown. We also give you the opportunity to add extra disks and upgrade the whole disk storage at your disposal even more. This allows you to create a file or image depository portal without any problems if you'd like. Thanks to the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we provide, you are able to create an independent account for every single site that you host on the server and define a quota for the storage space it can use. When you go for the third choice, our in-house Hepsia Control Panel, all of the domain names will be managed from a single and they will share the full server disk storage space.